Training | Kleinschmidt

2D HEC-RAS Class in Boise October 28-30

HEC-RAS Modelers!  Don’t miss this opportunity for 2D HEC-RAS training in beautiful Boise Idaho.  I’ll be teaching this class and hope to see you there! There are limited seats for this class so don’t delay in signing up. This will be a three-day course with a mix of lectures and workshop exercises.  You will learn […]

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Free Webinar on Dam Breach Modeling

Webinar: Dam Breach Modelling Colleagues- I’m honored to join Krey Price and Bill Syme in presenting a brief webinar on dam breach modeling hosted by ICEWaRM and the Australian Water School.  Half hour presentation followed by discussion and a Q&A session.  Please join if you can. A vigorous discussion with a group of highly […]

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HEC-RAS Primer for New Users

Are you a new HEC-RAS user?  Or maybe you’ve used HEC-RAS before, but it’s been a while.  Maybe you have no idea where to start.  Steady or Unsteady?  1D or 2D?  Subcritical or Supercritical? OK, for all you Newbies out there, I’m going to walk you through some steps to take to get you up […]

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European HEC Software Workshop – London July 25-27 2017

JBA Consulting will be hosting another HEC Software Workshop this summer. Back for 2017 25 – 27 JulyCCT Venues, Barbican, London EC1 This is the second software workshop in Europe dedicated to the HEC hydraulic and hydrological modelling software – HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, HEC-DSS and HEC-ResSim. We are working with the team at Hydrologic Engineering Center plus other […]

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HEC-RAS 2D Training in Portland Oregon

I’ll be teaching our very popular 2D HEC-RAS course in my home town of Portland Oregon, just in time to feature the official release of HEC-RAS 5.0.   If you live in the area, or you’ve always wanted to figure out why everyone is talking about Portland (and HEC-RAS 5.0!), read on for more information […]

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HEC-RAS 2D – Upcoming Training Courses!

Don’t miss out on these opportunities to be among the first to get training on HEC-RAS 2D! 2D Free Surface Flow Modeling SANCOLD 2015 Conference in Pretoria, South Africa.  February 2-6, 2015 Two-Dimensional Modeling using HEC-RAS ASCE Live Seminar, Tampa, Florida USA, February 25-27, 2015 2D HEC-RAS Workshop Floodplain Management Association, McClellan, California, […]

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