St. Venant | Kleinschmidt

HEC-RAS 5.0 versus TUFLOW versus MIKE21 – HEC’s official response

In case you haven’t seen it, there has been a very popular LinkedIn discussion on the Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeler’s Forum debating the advantages, disadvantages, and merits of HEC-RAS 5.0, TUFLOW, and DHI’s MIKE21.  There was a lot of great information (and some misinformation) and insight provided in that thread.  It is well worth the read.  Some […]

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Q & A: Flow Attenuation

Question: When running an unsteady flow model with a single inflow hydrograph, why does my discharge decrease in the downstream direction for a given output profile? Answer: This is called flow attenuation.  You see this to varying degrees in all unsteady flow models and it is a real phenomenon.  The shallower the reach, or the […]

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Mixed Flow Regime Options – LPI Method

By using the Mixed Flow Regime option for Unsteady Flow Analysis, RAS can better handle transitions from subcritical to supercritical flow. This option should be utilized only after determining that a mixed flow situation exists, which requires judgment from the modeler. One application where this could be particularly useful is dam breach modeling, or any […]

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Stability Issues with Storage Areas

Storage Areas in unsteady RAS are notoriously stable. That’s why we like to use them. Get the water out of the 1-d St. Venant unstable environment, into the 0-d stable continuity environment. However, I recently discovered a problem with storage areas that could cause your model to go unstable, or at least chug along slowly […]

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