Mesh | Kleinschmidt

2D Mesh “Leaking” Part 2 – 2D Area Breaklines

Continuing on with the discussion on leaking in 2D meshes, I want to highlight a new feature that will be included in the full release of Version 5.0 (hopefully due out early this summer).  The new feature, 2D Area Breaklines, will make aligning cell faces on to high ground features a snap!  Essentially, you draw […]

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2D Mesh “Leaking”

To follow up my post on fragmented inundation, I want to highlight another 2D mesh issue we should all be aware of.  Unlike fragmented inundation, which is an artifact of how HEC-RAS discretizes the 2D domain and the way it maps the results, Leaking is a result of terrain features not aligning with cell faces […]

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HEC-RAS Model with 2D Mesh Only.

There have been many questions lately about whether HEC-RAS 5.0 can perform a simulation with ONLY a 2D mesh (i.e. no cross sections).  The answer is yes.  In fact, in many ways it’s a lot easier.  In this example, the standard Muncie project offered by the Hydrologic Engineering Center has been converted first to SI […]

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Creating your mesh in RAS 2D

Your computational mesh is what will allow you to do 2D modeling in HEC-RAS.  Think of a mesh as a net that you drape over your terrain.  The continuous properties of the “infinite” terrain are then discretized onto the mesh so that computations can be made over a finite domain.  Here in the geometry editor, […]

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