5.0 | Kleinschmidt - Part 3

2D Mesh “Leaking”

To follow up my post on fragmented inundation, I want to highlight another 2D mesh issue we should all be aware of.  Unlike fragmented inundation, which is an artifact of how HEC-RAS discretizes the 2D domain and the way it maps the results, Leaking is a result of terrain features not aligning with cell faces […]

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Status on HEC-RAS 5.0

Many of us were hoping to see the official release of HEC-RAS version 5.0 around now (end of Feb, early March, 2015), but unfortunately there have been some delays due to a large amount of bug fixes and HEC won’t be releasing it as planned.  I haven’t been provided with a new date, and I […]

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Sediment Transport Features in HEC-RAS 5.0

The new 2D features and mapping tools are the most anticipated new features in HEC-RAS 5.0. However, HEC also added a couple major new sediment features, as well as many minor features and a few substantial bug fixes (e.g. SI Units). The two major features are the ARS-USDA Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) […]

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Including Channel Bathymetry into your Terrain.

Let’s say you have a digital terrain model of the area you want to model with 2D HEC-RAS.  ONLY 2D RAS.  In other words, you want to lay out a grid, but do not want to have do to any 1D computations-all 2D.  The problem is the area you want to model includes one or […]

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Sediment Transport Quasi Unsteady Flow Editor Flow Series Error

“Flow or Temp time series date is not sufficient to run requested time window.”  This one has been around for a while, but it just showed up again on the Facebook HEC-RAS User’s Group, so I thought I’d show the fix(es) here.  This applies to the new beta version of 5.0, as well as previous […]

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Re-Projecting HEC-RAS Model Geometry

HEC-RAS 5.0 now provides a tool for quickly re-projecting model geometry within RAS. It is accessible from the main RAS interface under the Options menu…Convert Horizontal Coordinate Systems. From this window, the user must select the Current Project Spatial Reference System and the Destination Project Spatial Reference System by loading the appropriate projection file (*.prj) […]

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Updated HEC-RAS Version 5.0 Beta Now Available

HEC has just released an updated beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0.  This is the third and final beta release before the final release due out in January 2015.  This new release takes care of most of the bugs that have been reported and includes some nice new features like spatially varying Manning’s n values for […]

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HEC-RAS 2D Updates Coming!

(Update:  New release is now available here) Just heard from HEC that a new, updated beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0 will be coming out soon (later this month or early next).  The full release of HEC-RAS Version 5.0 is still scheduled for the end of the calendar year. New features in the next beta release […]

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Creating your mesh in RAS 2D

Your computational mesh is what will allow you to do 2D modeling in HEC-RAS.  Think of a mesh as a net that you drape over your terrain.  The continuous properties of the “infinite” terrain are then discretized onto the mesh so that computations can be made over a finite domain.  Here in the geometry editor, […]

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Web Imagery for RAS Mapper in Version 5.0

There are a lot of new features in Version 5.0.  We’ve discussed quite a bit the new two-dimensional capabilities.  But a real pleasant surprise for me was how great the new RAS Mapper is.  I’m going to try to highlight some of these new Mapper features over the next few months, but in this post […]

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