2D | Kleinschmidt - Part 5

“Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies”

HEC recently published a new training document called “Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies”.  Written by Gary Brunner, P.E., D.WRE, it is an easy to follow guide for performing Dam Break simulations in HEC-RAS. It covers topics like: Which routing technique to use to route flows through your reservoir (Dynamic or Level Pool-although I wish […]

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Updated HEC-RAS Version 5.0 Beta Now Available

HEC has just released an updated beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0.  This is the third and final beta release before the final release due out in January 2015.  This new release takes care of most of the bugs that have been reported and includes some nice new features like spatially varying Manning’s n values for […]

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HEC-RAS 2D Updates Coming!

(Update:  New release is now available here) Just heard from HEC that a new, updated beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0 will be coming out soon (later this month or early next).  The full release of HEC-RAS Version 5.0 is still scheduled for the end of the calendar year. New features in the next beta release […]

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Creating your mesh in RAS 2D

Your computational mesh is what will allow you to do 2D modeling in HEC-RAS.  Think of a mesh as a net that you drape over your terrain.  The continuous properties of the “infinite” terrain are then discretized onto the mesh so that computations can be made over a finite domain.  Here in the geometry editor, […]

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Deleting Portions of HEC-RAS Cross Sections Quickly

Ahead of the wide-scale implementation of the 2-dimensional (2-D) modeling module in HEC-RAS, I wanted to share a quick tip that will be useful for editing your 1-dimensional (1-D) HEC-RAS model to prepare to couple your 1-D channel with a 2-D overbank area. It’s common to have a cross section with a well-defined channel and […]

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HEC-RAS Version 5.0 Comments, Suggestions, and Bug Reports

Hi HEC-RAS users.  HEC is extremely busy dealing with bugs and questions at the moment.  They’re currently working mostly to fulfill their obligations for technical support to the Corps of Engineers only.  If you are trying out the new version 5.0 beta, and you discover a bug, or if you simply have a comment or […]

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Update to HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta

Hey 5.0 Beta users.  Please get a new copy of HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta.  It has some of the early problems already fixed.  See below for instructions and have fun.  Please read everything below before you download. NOTE!!! Latest October 2014 beta version is available here:  http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/2014/10/updated-hec-ras-version-50-beta-now.html Dear HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta (with 2D) tester,      You […]

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HEC-RAS Version 5.0 beta Issue with HDF5 Viewer

A few testers have discovered a dll conflict when trying to open the new 5.0 beta version of HEC-RAS.  The following message appears: This happens if you’ve installed the HDF5 Viewer as described in the new “Combined 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS” document on page 115. HDF5 is a new file format used by […]

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A Preview of RAS2D, two-dimensional modeling in HEC-RAS

UPDATE.  HEC has asked that I no longer distribute HEC-RAS 4.2 with 2D Alpha.  Their purpose for releasing this alpha version is to get constructive feedback so that they can improve its functionality and efficiency; and to minimize bugs before the offical beta release-not to be critically compared to other established 2D software packages…yet.  So far, […]

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