Reservoirs | Kleinschmidt

Breaching of Condit Dam

Last Friday, Condit Dam, on the White Salmon River was intentionally breached by blowing a hole in the spillway as part of a plan to remove the dam and restore the river to its natural state.  Although the actual breaching of the dam was not all that spectacular (i.e. the dam itself wasn’t destroyed-only a […]

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How to use a Storage Area to define a Reservoir.

It’s a little confusing, and not really directly covered in the manuals anywhere. But I get this question a lot. “How do use a Storage Area to define my reservoir in RAS?” First of all, make sure using a Storage Area and level pool routing is an appropriate way to model your reservoir. This is […]

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Wind-induced waves in reservoirs.

Written by Chris Goodell, P.E., D. WRE | WEST ConsultantsCopyright © 2010. All rights reserved.Though HEC-RAS has no function for computing wave heights, its a fairly simply procedure that can be done external to RAS and incorporated into your design, or breach assumptions. There are equations for wave heights and run up as a […]

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