RASMapper | Kleinschmidt

New Geospatial editing tools coming in HEC-RAS Version 5.1

New geospatial editing tools are currently in development for the next version of HEC-RAS-Version 5.1.  While no date has been set for the release of Version 5.1, it is expected sometime within the next year or two.  But no guarantees!  This will be an exciting new addition to HEC-RAS in that users will no longer […]

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2D Mesh “Leaking” Part 2 – 2D Area Breaklines

Continuing on with the discussion on leaking in 2D meshes, I want to highlight a new feature that will be included in the full release of Version 5.0 (hopefully due out early this summer).  The new feature, 2D Area Breaklines, will make aligning cell faces on to high ground features a snap!  Essentially, you draw […]

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HEC-RAS Model with 2D Mesh Only.

There have been many questions lately about whether HEC-RAS 5.0 can perform a simulation with ONLY a 2D mesh (i.e. no cross sections).  The answer is yes.  In fact, in many ways it’s a lot easier.  In this example, the standard Muncie project offered by the Hydrologic Engineering Center has been converted first to SI […]

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HEC-RAS 5.0 beta with 2D modeling is out!

***Note-this post was for the old 5.0 beta version.  Please get the latest version here:  http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/2014/10/updated-hec-ras-version-50-beta-now.html Hey RAS Modelers-The long awaited HEC-RAS Version 5.0 with 2D Modeling is finally out in beta form!  Please read the message below from Gary Brunner that provides instructions for downloading and installing HEC-RAS 5.0 beta.   Please note that there is a […]

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