Dam Breach | Kleinschmidt

McBreach Probabilistic Dam Breach Modeling Software

Fellow HEC-RAS modelers. Today is National Dam Safety Day.  Dam Breach modeling is a key component to a well-rounded and robust dam safety program.  If you’re doing dam breach modeling, you need to check out McBreach. Probabilistic hydraulic modeling is where we’re heading with dam breach analysis. Why not get a head start with McBreach. […]

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Free Webinar on Dam Breach Modeling

Webinar: Dam Breach Modelling Colleagues- I’m honored to join Krey Price and Bill Syme in presenting a brief webinar on dam breach modeling hosted by ICEWaRM and the Australian Water School.  Half hour presentation followed by discussion and a Q&A session.  Please join if you can. http://www.icewarm.com.au/australian-water-school/short-courses/course/dambreak-modelling/ A vigorous discussion with a group of highly […]

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HEC-RAS Dam Breach course in New Zealand!

Limited-time early-bird discounts available Registrations are now available for our dam breach course in Auckland, New Zealand to be held from 29 November to 1 December 2016.  I will be teaching this course with help from Mr. Krey Price of Surface Water Solutions.  Please come and join us! Register here:  www.surfacewater.biz/auckland/ We have fewer than […]

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Dam Breach Modeling and the Assessment of the Self Rescue Zone

An interesting and informative paper by Mr. Bruno Neves of Brazil on HEC-RAS dam breach modeling and determining the self rescue zone, as well as the timing for alerting residents of the self-rescue zone.  The concept is tested using HEC-RAS with hypothetical 2D breach scenarios of the Santa Branca Dam in the Paraíba do Sul […]

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Bridges in 2D Areas-Important Update!

***Update:  I received a few very important comments about this post that I want to share.   First, and this is very important:  These methods are not meant to be used to do any kind of detailed bridge design or bridge scour analysis (contraction, abutment, or pier scour).  The methods I present in this post are […]

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“Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies”

HEC recently published a new training document called “Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies”.  Written by Gary Brunner, P.E., D.WRE, it is an easy to follow guide for performing Dam Break simulations in HEC-RAS. It covers topics like: Which routing technique to use to route flows through your reservoir (Dynamic or Level Pool-although I wish […]

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Tuesday Tip of the Week–Axis Zooming for True Peak Discharge

Another simple, yet very convenient tool not found discussed in the manuals is the ability to zoom in on one of the axes of a graphical plot.  This is especially useful when trying to determine if you’ve captured the true peak discharge in a steeply rising hydrograph.  Take the following example: an unsteady flow dam […]

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Stabilizing a Dynamic Unsteady HEC-RAS Model

One of the most frustrating aspects of unsteady HEC-RAS modeling can be the model stabilization process. You know, you’ve gone to great lengths collecting the best survey/topo data and solid hydrology. Then you’ve painstakingly spent hours…possibly days entered all of that data only to find that once you press the “Compute” button, the model crashes. […]

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Dam Breach Class Boston, MA May 1-3, 2013

Hi everyone. For those of you who are HEC-RAS dam breach enthusiasts, I will be teaching a 3-day course on dam breach modeling with HEC-RAS in Boston in a few weeks. The course will be held next to the historic MIT campus overlooking the Charles River and downtown Boston, May 1-3. In this course you’ll […]

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