ArcGIS | Kleinschmidt

HEC-RAS in Three Dimensions

Now this is the kind of post that gets you on The RAS Solution!  Cutting edge creative solutions to complex problems.  This is great stuff.  Thanks Michael for all the effort you put in to this. In today’s post we’ll cover two methodologies that leverage HEC RAS results to create impressionable and multi-dimensional flood visualizations. […]

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New Geospatial editing tools coming in HEC-RAS Version 5.1

New geospatial editing tools are currently in development for the next version of HEC-RAS-Version 5.1.  While no date has been set for the release of Version 5.1, it is expected sometime within the next year or two.  But no guarantees!  This will be an exciting new addition to HEC-RAS in that users will no longer […]

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The Projection File

RAS Mapper is a window in HEC-RAS that allows you to preprocess 2D areas, map results, and manage background images.  In future versions of HEC-RAS, RAS Mapper will become more and more prevalent in our HEC-RAS modeling experience.  As I understand it, eventually RAS Mapper and the geometry editor window may merge to form the […]

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