5.1 | Kleinschmidt

Preview of the new Finite-Volume Approach for 1D Reaches

One of the most anticipated new features soon to come in the next major version of HEC-RAS (Version 5.1) is the option of running unsteady 1D reaches with a finite volume solution scheme.  This will be a fantastic addition to HEC-RAS.  Gary Brunner recently gave me a brief overview of the new finite volume feature […]

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Having fun with HEC-RAS?

I’ve been seeing some cool applications of HEC-RAS from around the world lately. Here are some articles showing a few ways we’ve been putting HEC-RAS to use down under. Making Middle Zealand Did you know that the only thing keeping New Zealand’s two main islands from being split into three is a little 2-km wide […]

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New Geospatial editing tools coming in HEC-RAS Version 5.1

New geospatial editing tools are currently in development for the next version of HEC-RAS-Version 5.1.  While no date has been set for the release of Version 5.1, it is expected sometime within the next year or two.  But no guarantees!  This will be an exciting new addition to HEC-RAS in that users will no longer […]

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