5.0 | Kleinschmidt

Rating Curves for Dams

Version 5 of HEC-RAS allows the use of rating curves for inline structures (and lateral structures).  Rating curves can be added through the Outlet RC feature in the inline structure editor.  Inline structure rating curves can be useful for evaluating the impacts of structures, such as labyrinth dams, where it may be difficult to correctly […]

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HEC-RAS Dam Breach course in New Zealand!

Limited-time early-bird discounts available Registrations are now available for our dam breach course in Auckland, New Zealand to be held from 29 November to 1 December 2016.  I will be teaching this course with help from Mr. Krey Price of Surface Water Solutions.  Please come and join us! Register here:  www.surfacewater.biz/auckland/ We have fewer than […]

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HEC-RAS 2D en España – HEC-RAS 2D in Spain

Para los compañeros usuarios de HEC-RAS viviendo dentro o cerca de España, mi colega Marty Teal estará dictando dos cursos de modelación bidimensional con HEC-RAS5.0 allá en Octubre: en Barcelona el 19-21 y en Sevilla el 24-26. Me gustaría estar allá pero Marty habla español mucho mejor que yo 🙂 Vaya aquí para más información. […]

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Getting Profile Output in a 2D Area

Back in September 2015, I wrote an article on how to extractflow data from a transect in a 2D area.   This was a round-about way of getting flow flux data out of RAS Mapper.  Back then the beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0 was somewhat limited in the ways data could be extracted from a 2D […]

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1D? 2D? or 1D/2D? How Should I Build my Model?

Now that the official release of HEC-RAS 5.0 is out with 2D capabilities, I’m getting a lot of questions about whether 1D or 2D (or 1D/2D combined) is the best way to set up a specific model.  The answer is very simple.  Like everything else…It depends!  Fortunately, there are some guidelines.   1.  The general […]

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HEC-RAS 2D Training in Portland Oregon

I’ll be teaching our very popular 2D HEC-RAS course in my home town of Portland Oregon, just in time to feature the official release of HEC-RAS 5.0.   If you live in the area, or you’ve always wanted to figure out why everyone is talking about Portland (and HEC-RAS 5.0!), read on for more information […]

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