NOAA Fisheries Announces Initiation of 5-Year Review for Atlantic Sturgeon

By Chris Tomichek, Senior Fisheries Biologist

NOAA Fisheries recently announced their intent to conduct a 5-year review for the threatened Gulf of Maine distinct population segment (DPS) of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), the endangered New York Bight DPS of Atlantic sturgeon, the endangered Chesapeake Bay DPS of Atlantic sturgeon, the endangered Carolina DPS of Atlantic sturgeon and the endangered South Atlantic DPS of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The Endangered Species Act requires that NOAA Fisheries conducts 5-year reviews to ensure the accuracy of the listing classification of the species. The 5-year review must be based on the best scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review.  NOAA Fisheries are requesting submission of new information principally information on population trends, distribution, abundance, habitat amount and suitability, threats, and conservation measures that has become available since the original listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the ESA in 2012. Based on the results of this 5-year review, NOAA Fisheries may make mandatory findings under the ESA.

New information can be submitted via NOAA Fisheries online portal, or by mailing it to Lynn Lankshear, NOAA Fisheries, Greater Atlantic Region Fisheries Office, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930 or Andrew Herndon, NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue South, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701.