Natural Gas Power Plant Permitting

Renovo Energy Center, LLC was not familiar with the local regulations or regional jurisdictional state and federal agencies, and needed to complete required permits for a new 950 megawatt (MW) natural gas-fired power plant and associated electric transmission lines, two switchyards, and 6.5 mile gas pipeline on schedule.
Kleinschmidt provided comprehensive permitting services for all permits required for the construction and future operation of the power plant, including meeting requirements for the Clean Water Act such as National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for construction erosion and sediment control, post-construction stormwater, wastewater discharge, 316 (a) thermal discharge, and Section 404 wetland and stream impacts. Kleinschmidt also provided permitting services for water withdrawal and consumptive use permits that are regulated by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission; permits for hazardous material storage and Section 401 of the Clean Water Act regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Kleinschmidt consulted with multiple state regulating agencies in regard to zoning and land development and to avoid the effects of the project development on rare, threatened, and endangered species as well as potential historic and culturally significant sites.
Kleinschmidt provided the client with a strategic plan for identifying the similarities between each permit and providing the client with an efficient method for processing all the required permits. Kleinschmidt’s multi-discipline team was able to provide the design team with cost-effective and timely solutions to meet multiple permit requirements, such as using wetland restoration that is required for Section 404 permitting to improve post-construction stormwater requirements.