Complexity, Location, Timing: Three Myths of Fish Passage Design

- Introduction
- Myth 1: Complexity
- Myth 2: Location
- Myth 3: Timing
With fish passage, there are no straightforward solutions. And in recent years it has become even more complex, involving a wide array of federal agencies, state or provincial agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). As the intricacy and awareness of fish passage projects increase, insufficient planning and collaboration can add substantial delays—and considerable costs. While well-designed fish passage may not generate revenue, it is still essential to your facility’s future. Ultimately, it allows you to keep doing business, by ensuring compliance with key federal and state/provincial regulations such as the Federal Power Act (FPA) in the United States and the Fisheries Act in Canada. Therefore, to help you avoid the unexpected headaches and budget-busting experienced by some of your peer facilities, this document details and debunks three of the most common myths of fish passage design.
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